about me

Darine Choueiri is an architect-urbanist, she studied in the Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts (ALBA) in Lebanon, she is the holder of the Master Metropolis, in Architecture and Urban Culture from the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC) and a Master en Estudios Urbanos from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. She has experience in urban design and project coordination and has practiced in Lebanon, Spain and Equatorial Guinea. She is now living in Madrid since august 2023. Her practice explores urban spaces through storytelling, spatial tracings and cultural connections.

the practice

A table with a view is an endeavor aimed at discovering spatiality through travel. The table changes country each 3 years approximately. During these stays an exploration of the spatial and cultural features is undertaken especially through walking, mapping and independent research.

A table with a view investigates how cities’ micro-stories are embedded spatially and how they connect to a wider discourse or parallel stories in different geographies. At first, walking and reading are the tools for a story with spatial implications to emerge. This is followed by a deepening of the research and finally, the production of a spatial narrative in the form of mapping and writing. Narratives relate to city, territory, landscape; and society and have the power to shed a new light on our understanding of the built environment.

A table with a view is interested in the mediation of architecture and urban culture to a wider audience. The aim is the production of travelling documents and maps that challenge the touristic artifacts. The practice explores how cultural and urban heritage can overcome its patrimonial aspect and transformation into marketable goods and embrace other features of the city. Only then the true story of the city can be told, walked and mapped.

A table with a view is now based in Madrid.

the table

The idea of a table with a view comes from the need of transporting my working table along, while travelling, and positioning each time in a new scenery. A little bit like when picking a nice spot for a picnic table.  The table is a simple and common object, easily set and convivial. It is a familiar space, open to different usage, from sharing a meal, to rolling out maps, piling up books or writing. It is the artifact for exploration: Each time, the table sets to unveil a story. The table first settled in Skopje.


Darine Choueiri

Academic & Professional trajectory


September 2012 – July 2014
Urban Studies Master. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Thesis: Beirut 1830-1920, A `scalar fix´ on shifting grounds. A case study exploring rescaling and extended urbanization theories.

May 2005 – July 2007
Metropolis, Postgraduate Program in Architecture and Urban Culture. Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC).

October 1997 – January 2005
Architectural Studies. Academie Libanaise des Beaux Arts, ALBA. Lebanon.
Final project: Badawy: An alternative for an urban block.
Diploma: Diplôme d´Études Supérieures en Architecture.


August 2017-
Founder of A table with a view.com, a platform dedicated to storytelling and spatial narratives.

September 2014 – January 2017
Survey and coordination of urban works. Atland Global. Equatorial Guinea.

October 2013 – July 2014
Landscape planning and management. Studio Miriam García García, Landlab. Madrid.

September 2011 – July 2012
Urban design studio teaching course. European University of Madrid.

November 2010 – January 2011
Urban planning study. Studio Ezquiaga Sociedad y Territorio. Madrid.

April 2008 – September 2010
Urban planning and design. Studio Manuel de Solá-Morales. Barcelona.

May 2006 – March 2008
Architectural projects. Office CCT Arquitectos. Barcelona.

January 2006 – April 2006
Architectural projects. Office Francesc Tobella i Escofet. Barcelona.

September 2005 – December 2005
Research. Office Igor.marQ arquitects. Barcelona.


2024, “Play in Wartime schoolscapes” article for the next issue of On site review.

2023, “Sarajevo, Schooling undersiege”, Revue Mémoires en jeu nº 18.

2015, “Beirut 1830-1920, un ‘scalar fix’ en contextos cambiantes. Un estudio de caso explorando las teorías de re-escalamiento y urbanización extendida”, Territorios en formación nº8, UPM.

2010, “A picnic in Bois des Pins”, On the edge of the City, Fady Shayya.

2007, “Power up!”, Art4D nº142
On the Rotterdam Architectural Biennale: Visionary Power

2006, “Long store behind”, Art4D nº124
On Beirut city’s history and cityscape.

2002 – 2003, Dictionnaire de l´Architecture au Liban au 20ème siècle, Editions Alphamédia.
Articles on architecture and urbanism.


November 2008, Le Voyeur, Barcelona.
Exhibition for Interpúbliques 2.
Collective work: Darine Choueiri, Anne-Sophie de Visscher (artist, Belgium),
Petra Pfermendges (architect, Germany)

October 2008, Gorgeo indiscreto, Barcelona
Soundscape Installation for the open doors day of the Art Center Experimentem.
Collective work: Darine Choueiri, Anne-Sophie de Visscher (artist, Belgium),
Petra Pfermendges (architect, Germany)

Contact me

E-mail: info@atablewithaview.com