Winter is already here. The trees have lost their leaves, slowly, in constant but irreversible change of browning shades, until they totally fell and vanished.
The idea of a walk on the municipal limits of the capital city Beirut stemmed from a relentless “arpenteur”, the artist-pedagogue, Jean-François Pirson. To this initial endeavour, the idea of finalizing the walk with a picnic at the Bois des Pins came as a natural ending. The Bois des Pins comprises 300.000 m2 of green public space[...]
INDISCREET CHIRPING: Sound as a spatial amplifier QUIDAMes: Anne-Sophie de Visscher (artist), Petra Pferdmenges (architect) & Darine Choueiri (architect, urbanist). The installation: Indiscreet chirping seeks to reveal a place through sound. Sound powerfully triggers in the collective memory an “image of a place”. A song, an ambulant merchant’s call, city noise, or birds chirping… bring instantly[...]